Purpose: To create a large corpus for the HIGHER EDUCATION of children through regular monthly savings. Tenor: Min – 12 months, Max – 60 months Minimum monthly deposit: Rs 200 and multiples of Rs 100 each month on the same date.
Purpose: To create a large corpus for the MARRIAGE of children through regular monthly savings. Tenor: Min – 12 months, Max – 60 months Minimum monthly deposit: Rs 200 and multiples of Rs 100 each month on the same date.
Purpose: To create a large corpus for the POST RETIREMENT LIFE through regular monthly savings. Tenor: Min – 12 months, Max – 60 months Minimum monthly deposit: Rs 200 and multiples of Rs 100 each month on the same date.
Age group: New born to 18 years old Minimum to open an account – Rs500 Interest rates: SB + 0.5% Gift entitlement when opening account Birthday cards to be sent to all A/c holders
Persons who have completed the age of 50 will be eligible to open the bank A/c under the scheme. To be operated as Savings your A/C (with or without Cheque Book Facility). Will carry additional interest rate of + 0.5% (interest rate + 0.5%). Minimum Balance will be 5,000 .